Welcome Aboard!

This site is designed as the primary page for my Historical Fantasy Role Playing Game, Pirates & Zombies.  It is a two part site.

The first part provides the back ground and materials of the game.  Locations, equipment, NPCs, historical information, major plot lines and so on…

The second part is the rules of play.  It covers character creation, skills, combat, healing and all the elements that go into the ‘game’ side of role playing.  P&Z Rules is a ‘Home Brew’ game system.  It was created specifically for the genre and period of a fantasy 17th century, swashbuckling age.  It was also crafted with the idea of being suitable for online play.

Play takes place in several formats.  The first is Play By E Mail, or PBEM to the Groups.io account that I have established for the main play area. Most play is done in this fashion though I have run sessions using direct email between the player and GM (Me!)  If you are unfamiliar with the way this type of gaming works, I suggest you visit the Message section to see some examples.
In either case play involves exchanging e-mails describing the character’s actions and the responses and circumstances of what is going on around the character.

If you do not have a Groups.io membership I suggest you get one.


The second type of play takes place in live chat. I use Groups.io Chat  to conduct these sessions.